Heroes of the Faith

Heroes of the Faith

The β€˜Heroes of the Faith’ program included a series of interviewsΒ byΒ Allan Davis. In this program, Allan recognised theΒ ordinary Heroes in everyday lifeΒ as well as those heroes weΒ all know and recognise. β€˜Heroes of the Faith’ is aboutΒ acknowledgingΒ and recognisingΒ these kinds of people in ourΒ ownΒ lives but also prompting ourselves on how we can be β€˜heroes’ – sowingΒ into other people’s livesΒ and bringing them to Jesus.Β 

Listen to interviews by Allan Davis now. 

Heroes of the Faith: Charles Spurgeon

Heroes of the Faith this week features Charles Spurgeon, known as the Prince of Preachers. He began preaching in a ...

Heroes of the Faith: Brother Yun

Heroes of the Faith this week takes us to China. Today in China there are estimated to be 150 million ...

Heroes of the Faith: David Unaipon

In Heroes of the Faith this week we are looking at the life of David Unaipon. David was born in ...

Heroes of the Faith: William Arnott

Heroes of the Faith this week features a hero whose faith was expressed as business owner. William Arnott was born ...

Heroes of the Faith: Norm Stiles

Heroes of the Faith this week features a local to our region. Norm Stiles was a passionate Christian who worked ...

Heroes of the Faith: Graham & Gladys Staines

Heroes of the Faith this week features Graham & Gladys Staines, two Australians, who left Australia to go to a ...