A Christians Against Poverty / CAP Money Management Course helps you to find ways to manage on less money.

This CAP Money Course develops skills to reduce debt, budget, save and have more control of your finances.

Assistance can be provided on a personal basis if needed.

A Community course at no cost.

OVER TWO SATURDAY MORNINGS 22nd February and 1st March 9.15 am – 12.45pm.

LOCATION is Tuggeranong Baptist Church,
Ground Floor, 23 Garratt Street, Wanniassa (Adjacent to Wanniassa Shops)

Register by Wednesday 19th February at capmoney.org.au or email [email protected] or ring Robert on 0402 007 551.

Date: Sat 22 February 2025

Website: https://www.tbcchurch.com.au/events/cap-money-course-in-the-community-room-at-the-garratt-street-centre-february-march-2025

Email: [email protected]

Tuggeranong Baptist Church,
Ground Floor, 23 Garratt Street, Wanniassa (Adjacent to Wanniassa Shops)

Phone: 0402 007 551