Have you ever considered serving on our board of directors?
In simple terms, a board of directors is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation and ensuring that the organisation is moving towards those strategic objectives.
For a more detailed look at the role of the board and their responsibilities, see Board of directors (aicd.com.au)
As a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee, Canberra Christian Radio Ltd (CCRL) is governed by a board of directors elected from our membership. CCRL is the organisation that holds the licence for 1WAY FM and is responsible for our operations. Our board is composed of up to ten directors who are elected for two-year terms. At each AGM, some of the directors complete their two-year term and are required to stand down. They are eligible for reelection. The two-year terms were put in place to ensure that we always have directors on the board who are across ongoing activities, while we bring in new people.
The commitment as a board member is to participate in an online meeting once per month, eleven times a year, and attend a strategic planning workshop for a few hours on a weekend once a year. You will also be required to familiarise yourself with the station activities, read the reports and review the financial statements in preparation for each meeting.
We welcome board members with skills and experience in the following areas:
- finance,
- law,
- communication/media,
- business/management or
- theology/pastoral.
Most importantly, we welcome people who are passionate about sharing the living hope of Jesus in the Canberra region through radio and our online platforms.
Board members are elected from the financial membership of Canberra Christian Radio Ltd. To become a member of CCRL please see the Membership page.
To nominate as a Director, please complete this Director-Nomination form and forward it to the Company Secretary. If you need assistance, please contact the station on 6239 3711 between 10am and 3pm Monday to Thursday, or email the Company Secretary.
For more detailed information about being a director for CCRL see this Information for Prospective Directors.