Written by Kiara Thomas 

With Christmas fast approaching, thoughts of presents are looming large. Here in Canberra many of us are incredibly blessed because our physical needs and wants are met. However, not everyone is so fortunate. Here at 1WAY, we have compiled a list of incredible charities that are making a global impact caring for those whose needs aren’t met this Christmas.   

1. Compassion  

 Compassion is a Christian non-government organisation (NGO) that provides holistic care to adults and children in some of the world’s poorest countries. Compassion is known for their child sponsorship program that enables children to break free from the cycle of poverty. If you’re interested in sponsoring a compassion child, please click here. If monthly or yearly child sponsorship isn’t for you, Compassion has a Christmas catalogue outlining what the greatest needs are and how you and your loved ones can help. To view Compassion’s Christmas catalogue, click here

2. Christian Blind Mission 

Christian Blind Mission (CBM) is also a Christian NGO that is like Compassion. CBM, however, has more of a focus on breaking the cycle of poverty and disability. Some of CBM’s gifts include gifts of sight and gifts of mobility. These gifts can dramatically improve a person’s quality of life by enabling them to participate in their community, access services they need, and to be employable. You can see CBM’s entire gift catalogue here.  

3. Feed The Hungry  

Feed The Hungry is another Christian not-for-profit that works to feed the poorest people in the world and tell them the Good News of Jesus. 1WAY FM has partnered with Feed The Hungry since 2018 to help promote Take Away Hunger Day. However, the job is anything but done. Gifts from Feed The Hungry’s Christmas catalogue will help provide food and clean water to children who would otherwise starve.  You can view Feed The Hungry’s gift catalogue here.  

4. World Vision 

World Vision is known for their child sponsorship program that helps release children from poverty. For just $48 a month, you can help a child learn about Jesus, have clean water and food, healthcare, and education. However, if child sponsorship isn’t possible for you right now, we’re sure something in World Vision’s Christmas catalogue will suit you. Gifts include sending a girl to school, Early Learning for Australian First Nations children, childhood immunisations, clean drinking water and much more. To view the catalogue for yourself, click here. To give a general donation or to sponsor a child, click here.  

World Vision also has a hand-crafted gift catalogue with gifts to suit that artsy friend of yours! Gifts from this catalogue help support children and families with the greatest needs.  

5. Samaritan’s Purse  

Samaritan’s Purse is another Christian NGO that is most famous for their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. These boxes contain toys, hygiene products, school supplies and other fun gifts. After the shoeboxes are gifted, many of the children have the chance to hear the Gospel and learn what it means to follow Jesus. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child, click here. To register for OCC for 2025, click here.  

 However, this isn’t all that Samaritan’s Purse do, they also have a Christmas catalogue. Gifts in this catalogue include teaching a child to read and write, helping a family raise livestock, providing a community with clean water, caring for mothers and children, and much, much more! To view the catalogue, click here. To give a general donation to Samaritan’s Purse, click here.  

6. Bible League 

Bible League’s mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ by providing everyone with a Bible they can understand. Bible League also provides biblical resources, Biblical literacy training, translation services, church planter training and more. To learn about Bible League, click here.  To view Bible League’s Christmas catalogue, click here. To give a general donation, click here

You may have heard of Bible League because of 1WAY FM. Every February, we help to promote the Bringing Hope Behind Bars Campaign, which gives Bibles to Australian inmates. However, February isn’t the only time to support Bible League’s prison Bible program, why not click here to give a Bible this Christmas?  

7. Anglicare 

The six charities listed above provide significant humanitarian aid overseas; however, that doesn’t mean there aren’t people in need right here in our community. Anglicare is an Australian-based humanitarian organisation that is an auxiliary program of the Anglican Church. There are several ways you can help Anglicare this year. For example, purchasing your Christmas cards from Anglicare’s catalogue is a great starting place.

We, the team here at 1WAY FM, would like to thank you for your generous support of these charities. Your financial and prayerful support is very much appreciated. We hope that you have an enjoyable and safe Christmas remembering the most precious gift of all, Jesus.  

God Bless and Merry Christmas!  

From 1WAY FM