Do you know the strengths of your marriage relationship. The tools mentioned below will help you discover your strengths as a couple. We believe that if you both take at least one of these tests and then discuss the results you will know the areas to focus on to further build your strengths and will enable you to enjoy and continue developing a healthy, strong Christ centred relationship.
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Assessment Tools from The 5 Love Languages (Dr Gary Chapman)
The Love Language Quiz
Discover your primary love language and how you can use it to better connect with your loved ones.
Make the selection below to be taken to the appropriate part of the 5 Love Languages web site, you will be asked your name and email details for the results to be emailed to you or alternatively you may download a pdf to work off-line.
Anger Assessment Quiz
Understand how you manage your anger and discover how you might do better.
Apology Language Quiz
Learn your primary apology language to better understand how to heal hurt in your relationships.
Focus on the Family
Marriage Assessment Tool
Based on research and experience from Greg and Erin Smalley, Focus on the Family has created valid and reliable questions that evaluate the strength of 12 essential traits of your marriage—areas such as communication, conflict, and commitment. The assessment is free and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Who should take the assessment?
The questions are designed for married couples. Every marriage has areas that are working well and areas that could use improvement. If you want to identify your strengths and find tools to help you grow, this assessment is for you. Email is required
The Passionate Love Scale
Have you had a check-up on the health of your passion for each other lately?
Why don’t you and your spouse take your check-up today through the ‘Passionate Love Scale’! This ‘assessment’ through “The Anatomy of Love” is scientifically based. To be able to take it you do not have to disclose email addresses etc. as the results are given on the screen [you may wish to take screen shots/print]. Then talk over your feelings and results with each other over a favourite treat.
Remember that love is something you do and a choice we make daily.