Isaiah 37:31-32 “The people from the family of Judah who have escaped and are left alive will be like plants that send their roots deep into the ground and produce fruit above the ground. That is because a few people will come out of Jerusalem alive. There will be survivors coming from Mount Zion.” The strong love of the LORD All-Powerful will do this.

Listen: Out of the Ashes

The aloe vera plant is said to have a good many restorative powers. That may well be true. Nevertheless, you can’t help but feel that the marketing gurus play those powers up just a tad as they peddle those beauty products containing, in many cases, mere traces of this magical substance.

The marketing works because restoration is such a powerful concept. As an old IT colleague of mine used to say, it has “cerebral curb appeal”. It’s something you intuitively want to pull up next to.

To my complete shock and horror, I was recently referred to in an email as “an elderly man” – even though my normal modus operandi at age 65 is still to bolt up and down flights of stairs rather than use the elevator. Good grief! Get me some of that aloe vera to rub on my face!

Jokes aside, we all at times need some restoration; times when we feel tired, weak and vulnerable; times when it appears as though all that remains of the good life we once so enjoyed is ashes. 

As destruction was about to fall upon the nation of Israel, when most of what would remain of Jerusalem would be mere ashes, God said this to them:

Isaiah 37:31-32 “The people from the family of Judah who have escaped and are left alive will be like plants that send their roots deep into the ground and produce fruit above the ground. That is because a few people will come out of Jerusalem alive. There will be survivors coming from Mount Zion.” The strong love of the LORD All-Powerful will do this.

A green shoot amidst the ashes, deep roots that’ll ultimately bear abundant fruit above the ground …

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.