Transforming Lives Together Through Kindness

Transforming Lives Together Through Kindness

Transforming Lives Together Through Kindness


12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Rydges Canberra
17 Canberra Avenue , Forrest , ACT , 2603, Canberra

Event Type

Transforming Lives Together: The Power of Kindness.

• Kindness is a catalyst for positive change.
• Kindness has the power to transform lives and bring us closer.
• The spirit of Ubuntu is ignited by Kindness: I am coz you are, you are coz we are. We rely on each other.
• Kindness has a profound impact on our overall well-being.
• Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference.
• Kindness is not selfish.

How can we as individuals, youth, parents, and community, embrace kindness as a way of life and shape a future with compassion?

This is a conference not to miss as we gather together and share experiences, challenges and share ideas on how we can commit ourselves to being kind. Let us be conscious of one another and create strong relationships.

NB: This is an open invitation to all. Registration is now open and closes on 17 May 2024.

Please use the account details on the image above. Thank you.

#bethekindone  #unity  #belonging  #areyouokay #kindness  #Borntoshine


Born To Shine
Phone: 0439260948
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