Mission Partner

As a Christian radio station, our purpose is to present a Christian message of hope and encouragement to our listeners. While you may think that we are “preaching to the converted” the CMAA report The Social Impact of Christian Radio in Australia shows that while nearly two thirds of listeners identify as holding Christian beliefs, a third of weekly listeners have either no religious beliefs (21%) or follow a different religion (12%). This provides us with opportunities to speak with people who haven’t connected with a church – yet. 

We would love to connect with your church to see how we can support each other better to reach our community with the love of Jesus. It is great when we can come alongside churches, and partner with you to share the gospel. There are many ways that you connect with 1WAY FM, you can: 

  • promote events or special occasions by listing them on the Community Noticeboard on our website; 
  • share messages on air about what is happening in your church community or issues that are important to you, or in the lead-up to significant Christian celebrations; 
  • provide teaching or insights into Christian living on air; 
  • create awareness about your church and the programs you offer; 
  • provide financial support for the station by considering us to be a mission partner or through sponsorship. 

We are working in the same mission field and would love to work with you as part of your promotions and communication arm. Let’s talk about how we can work together.  

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