Imagine Day 2018

Imagine Day 2018

Imagine Day 2018


10:00 am - 11:30 am


The Impact Centre
200 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash, ACT, 2904, Christian

Event Type

In part, James 4:2 says that “you do not have because you do not ask”. Well, imagine what we could achieve if we weren’t constrained by a lack of resources; whether they be the number of people we have available, or, the time we have, or, the money we have to give. Imagine what we could achieve collectively for the Kingdom if we pooled our faith and gifts. Imagine what our collective sacrificial gifts of money could do in the world.

That’s what Imagine Day is about each year. We call August Imagine month, culminating on the last Sunday of August being Imagine Day. A day of celebrations and faith declarations expressed by individuals, couples and families determining to give outrageously, believing that God will do amazing things with what we raise.

The funds raised this year will again go mostly to people in our nation and in other nations (particularly India) that we will never meet. People who have needs beyond their resources.  People who our God loves equally to anyone one of us.

God is faithful to the faithful and we believe that God loves outrageous faith. Would you join with us by coming along to our Imagine Day Service this Sunday at 10am, or by agreeing and praying with us for an amazing outcome, or perhaps by being outrageous and directly involved through a donation to “Imagine“, BSB 704024, Account # 10000992.

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Phone: +61400415172
Email Impact Church Canberra

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