Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh

The Lord Our Provider

We have a big year ahead of us and we are excited by the opportunities that God is giving us to reach more people, heal more hearts and change more lives. We do that by connecting with people in our local region, or who are visiting from around the world, telling real stories by real people in real time. Stories that connect our hearts and minds to what God is doing right here in our local region and all around the world. Stories that keep our hearts alive when we are facing difficult times. Stories that encourage us and give us strength to face another day knowing that God is with us. Stories that challenge us to be all that we can be as we step out in faith to live the lives that God has graced us with. We want to keep presenting a Christian message of hope and encouragement every day.

Just as God provided the ram for the sacrifice when Abraham was obedient to his calling, God is providing for our needs as we step out in obedience.

We begin the new financial year with plans to upgrade our ailing audio production PCs, to upgrade our automation software that is no longer supported, to provide formal training for our presenter team and to continue reaching out into the community with great music and teaching. We are also planning for the implementation of digital radio in our region as we continue to explore ways to address coverage shortfalls. Our Annual Appeal will be held in September this year to help meet the ongoing financial needs of the station.

Please keep the team at 1WAY FM, their families and our finances in your prayers as we move into the new financial year.

We pray for God’s provision for the station and for you, may we come to know God as our provider as we put our trust in Him each day.