Foster Care Sunday is an opportunity for Christians to show their support and care for children growing up in out of home care, their birth families, their carers, and everyone working in the system. We encourage you to show the Foster Care Sunday video, pray, speak, bless children and their carers, and encourage people to consider answering the need for carers in our community.

Why Foster Care Sunday?

Over 45,300 children in Australia are in Out-of-Home Care, however, there are not enough foster carers to provide loving homes for them. Foster Care Sunday provides an opportunity for the Church to come together in unity to celebrate foster and kinship carers, raise awareness, and consider ways to respond. We can all do something to create communities of welcome and support for carers and children with a care experience.

Check out the website for more information.

Date: Sun 8 September 2024 - Mon 9 September 2024


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0423365988