Alpha Online

Alpha Online

At the outset of the year 2020, COVID-19 was having an impact on the world and by March, Australia was experiencing the full force of the changes and uncertainty it brought about. Companies, organisations and institutions all faced the challenge of adapting to the new circumstances, particularly the necessity for social distancing and isolating.

If you’ve seen or heard of Alpha, you might be picturing the big red question mark. Everyone has questions. We could make a fair assumption that in light of all that is happening in the world, people have more questions than ever. We all deserve a place to explore, it’s what we’re built for. Alpha is an opportunity to explore life, faith and meaning from a Christian perspective and build connections with others.

It is traditionally run in cafes, churches, universities – you name it. So as you can imagine, like the rest of the nation, Alpha had to innovate in order to continue serving the Church in its mission, to find a way to still offer Alpha but in an online context, enter: Alpha Online.

To learn more about Alpha Online, head to